Monday, March 7, 2011

Should You Let Your Kids See You Drink?

Should You Let Your Kids See You Drink?

Is it O.K. to let your children see you drink alcohol? What's the proper way to teach them about alcohol?

Hello everyone! You've seen this story already, but here it is officially, on Millburn Patch. As always, if you feel like starting an electronic conversation, please go to the site and leave a comment. My editor's last day on the job is today. She is headed for a social media job at and I want to show her replacement (whoever that may be) that this Moms Talk column is still worthy and I am earning my (very paltry) paycheck! Many, many thanks.

1 comment:

  1. thought that your advice about kids and drinking was very wise and realistic.

    Love reading your blog even though I am a grandmother!!
